The most serious period of cat plague is on the 3rd to 5th day. When treating the cat, the owner must pay close attention to it. Cat plague is very harmful to cats.

Feline distemper, also known as feline panleukopenia and feline infectious enteritis, is an acute highly contagious infectious disease of cats. Clinical manifestations are mostly characterized by sudden high fever, persistent vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, circulatory disorders and rapid leukocyte enlargement (not all leukocyte enlargement is cat plague, other symptoms can also cause leukopenia. Such as feline leukemia, feline hepatitis, etc.). Cats that are not fully vaccinated or have not been bred are prone to cat distemper, especially kittens aged 3-5 months. If a female cat is infected during pregnancy, it will cause stillbirth, miscarriage and neurological symptoms in newborn kittens. The infection route is contact with virus-containing urine and feces or blood-sucking insects and fleas. The disease is originally a virus from the family Parvoviridae and the genus Parvovirus. After the virus enters the body, it can survive in the kidneys for more than one year. Parvoviruses can survive in the environment for a long time, but they can be inactivated by formalin, sodium hypochlorite (household disinfectant) or dioxaldehyde.


The incubation period of feline distemper is 2-9 days, and the clinical symptoms are related to age and virus virulence.

Kittens often suffer from acute illness, with body temperature rising above 40°C and vomiting. Many cats do not show any symptoms and die suddenly. Some may show symptoms of spinal ataxia.

Most cats over 6 months old show acute clinical symptoms. They first have a fever around 40°C, return to normal temperature at 1-2 dawn, and then rise again at 3-4 dawn, which is a biphasic fever type. .

The sick cat has low energy, anorexia, obstinate vomiting, the vomitus is yellow-green, there is sticky secretion in the mouth, eyes, and nose, and the feces is dense. When diarrhea occurs, it proves that the animal has died. In the late stage of the disease, there is blood in the stool, severe dehydration, blood deficiency, and severe death.

To give cats time to cure feline distemper, antibiotics need to be used to prevent further symptoms.

