<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">There are many types of cats, but there are also many similar ones, and you may not necessarily be able to tell them apart when you see them. For example, although the American shorthair and the civet cat are similar, they will still be found to be different as long as they are carefully observed. The Cat Encyclopedia column below will teach you how to distinguish between shorthair and civet cats from five aspects.

Cihua cats
<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
For comparison 1: Cat’s head shape and face shape<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size :medium;">The head shape and face shape of the American shorthair cat (certain introduction) mainly show a square shape; when looking at the civet cat, its head shape and face shape are relatively round, and the head shape and face shape mainly show a wedge shape. The one is a triangle. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
For comparison: cat’s eyes<p style=" font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Look at the beautiful short cat. Its eyes are almond-shaped. The eyes should be relatively flat and look more honest. The eyes of the civet cat have the same shape as the beautiful short cat. It looks flatter and has a slightly slanted or triangular look, making it look more fierce. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
For comparison three: cat body shape<p style= "font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">The adult male cat of the American shorthair cat looks a bit like a "tank", short and thick; while the civet cat is relatively slender and looks a bit like a "bulldozer". <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
For comparison four: cat hair<p style="font-family: "times new roman";font-size:medium;">The hair of American short-haired cats is short, soft and dense; while the hair of civet cats is relatively thicker and stiffer. (You can feel the cat's body with your hands. Let’s experience it in essence)<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">
For comparison five: Cat’s character<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">American short-haired cats have a gentle personality and can be boring at times; while cihuali cats have an independent personality, flexible hobbies and are very special. Qilang is highly dependent on his master and is very sensitive to changes in the environment, and he does not like to play with others much after he becomes an adult.
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