The guinea pig, also known as guinea pig, originated in South America and was introduced to Europe from the Netherlands in the 16th century. It looks like a reduced pig, sounds like a pig and eats a lot, so there is a guinea pig. alias. Guinea pigs were first regarded as a kind of meat, and then gradually developed into pets.

The origin of the name of guinea pig

Why is guinea pig Called guinea pig

The famous name of guinea pig is guinea pig. Its rare nicknames are guinea pig and guinea pig. It originated in South America in the 16th century. It was introduced to Europe from the Netherlands at that time, and its appearance is somewhat like a reduced pig, its cry is also somewhat like a pig, and it eats a lot, so it is also called the Dutch pig.

Why is the Dutch pig called the Dutch pig

Guinea pigs were not originally pets, but were regarded as a kind of meat. People raised guinea pigs in captivity for food, but food was no longer scarce. In addition, guinea pigs His appearance is a bit innocent and cute, so he gradually became a popular pet all over the world.

Why is the Dutch pig called the Dutch pig

The growth ability of guinea pigs is not very strong. Because their pregnancy time is too long, more than two months, they can only give birth to 2 to 3 pigs in one litter, and they are not very big. Due to their aggressive nature, guinea pigs in the wild were exterminated for these reasons and are now scattered around the world as pets.

