Tiger Musk Introduction to the species of turtle
Tiger musk turtle (definite introduction)

Tiger musk turtle The appearance of the tiger musk turtle is very beautiful. Although its carapace is flat, the striped feet of the tiger musk turtle protect this flaw, so it is very popular among turtle lovers. Tiger musk turtles and flatback musk turtles are so similar in appearance that most people cannot tell them apart.

Chinese name: Tiger Musk Turtle

English Name:stripe-necked musk turtle

Latin:Sternotherus minor peltifer

Alternate name:Striped Musk Turtle

Kingdom:Animal Kingdom


Subphylum: Subphylum Vertebrates


Subclass: Anaplasma, also known as Anaplasma

Order: Turtles

Family: Celerydae

Genus: Musk Turtle

Species:Tiger Musk Turtle

Physical Characteristics:< /strong>Generally around 7 to 10 cm, the carapace is obviously arched.

Living habits: It is a completely aquatic musk turtle, which means that its existence will be affected by water sources. They often appear around obstacles and fallen trees in the lake, preferring soft soil. When dormant, they hide in holes on the shore or in muskrat holes.

Geographical dispersion: From southwest Virginia to eastern Tennessee, south to southeastern Mississippi, in Virginia Asia

Food habits:Musk turtles of this species are carnivores and occasionally eat plants in crops.

Growth: Oviparous, rare mating usually occurs in March and April of each spring or September of autumn, and mating is common It is held in the Qing Dynasty or in the evening. Female turtles will lay eggs in soft soil, often laying about 2 to 6 eggs.

