What should I do if my dog ​​likes to bite me indiscriminately?
Meg dog (certain introduction)

Before raising your dog, you may not have thought that they would They are keen on biting objects, as long as they can eat them, they will not let them go. For example, shoes, furniture, etc. are all objects they will take a fancy to. However, there are certain reasons why pets chew on objects indiscriminately. If you want them to get rid of this habit, the owner must first understand what causes them to like to bite indiscriminately.

1. The trouble of changing teeth

Changing teeth will cause some discomfort to the dog. The dog bites randomly to relieve this problem. A feeling of discomfort. If you don’t want your dog to chew, the owner can prepare glue for them so that they won’t keep looking at furniture or other items and chewing. If the dog still bites furniture, etc., the owner should stop it immediately. If the dog knows how to bite the chewing gum, the owner may appropriately praise them.

2. Passing time when you are bored

Many owners may not be able to accompany their dogs during the day because they have to go to work, so when you get off work, you will need to Have some interaction with the dog. If you are often lukewarm towards your dog, then they can only have fun on their own. In order to make the dog less bored at home during the day, owners may wish to buy some toys for the dog, so that even if you do not play with the dog during the day, they still have toys to play with.

3. Regarding pica

The behavior of dogs chewing randomly may be because they suffer from pica. If a dog suffers from pica, the owner should take the dog to the pet hospital immediately for treatment, so that the dog can recover as healthy as possible.

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