Things to note when choosing a chameleon

Partners who want to raise a chameleon must Jiandu wants to choose a strong and beautiful baby chameleon, so what should you pay attention to when choosing? The editor will tell you five important things to pay attention to when choosing a chameleon.
1. During the day, the chameleon’s eyes are open and bright, and the eyeballs will continue to rotate to maintain protection and find food!
2. Before making a choice, you may wish to take a look immediately when feeding. If the chameleon sees food, he will quickly stick out his tongue to hunt. The longer the tongue sticks out, and the faster the tongue sticks out, the better. After hunting, take advantage of the chameleon to eat. When eating food, check whether there are any abnormalities in the mouth.
3. Lead the chameleon to climb onto your hand, and experience the gripping power of the chameleon’s hands and feet. The stronger the gripping power, the better it will represent a healthy state.
4. When a chameleon sleeps at dusk, its tail will curl up forcefully or curl up on a branch. If it hangs loosely and straight, it does not mean it is healthy!
5. Don’t compare more than 2 chameleons together at the same time, as this will scare the chameleons to death.

