Dogs have What functions
There are many benefits to raising dogs

The functions of dogs are not just as simple as pets; Being in an invisible center has benefits that are less easily noticed. For example, dogs can reduce our sense of isolation and promote communication between people. Google allows employees to keep dogs in the office. In fact, this is for sure, because dogs can not only improve interpersonal social relations, but also increase a certain degree of collaboration.

Dogs can improve physical and mental health. A Canadian study found that the average annual frequency of illness among elderly people with animal companions was 20% lower than that of ordinary elderly people. The average number of hospital admissions per year is half that of an elderly person who does not own pets. A British public survey showed that the penetration level of immunoglobulin A in children who own pets is more stable. A study published in the academic journal of the American Heart Association said that owning a dog may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which may be due to dog walking and exercise. In a survey of dog owners in Sweden, 57% of people believed that their dogs brought them new friends; 63% of people believed that their dogs reduced their chances of talking to others. It seems that dogs are like a social catalyst, not only bringing warm companionship to their owners, but also promoting and improving their owners' social effects.

Some primary schools in the UK have a very special experimental plan: Read to Dogs, which essentially allows dogs to become the audience for small partners to recite. In order to overcome children's fear of speaking and performing in crowded places and behavioral obstacles such as stuttering, children first practice in front of dogs. In front of animals, children can often recite easily without any emotional burden. In real life The performances are often more outstanding. This is the application of animal conditioning. Animals are very good emotional doctors and can often turn fear into something invisible. In Taiwan, many psychiatric patient parks often use animal conditioning to calm patients' moods, and the results are good.

What are the efficiencies of dogs
Dogs might as well help

Dogs are very sensitive to crying. Even if they see a stranger crying, they will come closer and take a look. Although this kind of emotional reaction does not represent an understanding of human pain, sad people will certainly gain comfort from their compassionate eyes. Another explanation is that we are actually very similar to dogs. We fall in love with things that look like us, whether they are people or animals.

Scientists once sequenced the gene of a female boxer dog and found that at least 18,473 of the 19,300 dog genes were related to unidentified human genes. They are more similar than humans and mice, dogs and mice, and humans and cats. Moreover, many dog ​​breeds are also prone to the same genetic diseases as humans, such as more than 360 genetic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, deafness, blindness and immune neurological diseases. Perhaps because of this, it is easier for us to transfer our emotions to dogs.

In addition to its effect on personal physical and mental health, Jiaqi's psychologists have also verified the relationship between the dog's survival and interpersonal judgment. Researchers at Central Michigan University found that having dogs in the office makes people collaborate more effectively. They convened 12 groups of 4 people and asked each group to design a 15-second advertisement for a cosmetic product, and each group member had to provide ideas for their own group. Some groups ended up with puppies at their feet during the process, while others did not. After the experiment, all volunteers were asked how they felt working with the rest of the group. The results of the experiment were surprising. Members of the "puppy" group rated their team members higher on trust, team cohesion, and proximity than the non-dog group.

These are conclusions drawn from actual situations. It seems that raising dogs does have many uses. They can not only adjust the atmosphere, but also change it subtly. It touches the owner's heart and makes the owner better at social interaction.

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