The dog ate something he shouldn

During the Chinese New Year, many relatives and friends will visit your home and they will see the dog. They often tease them, but sometimes the dog plays hard and swallows many toys that are only used for entertainment. What should the owner do if the dog eats something that looks like it shouldn't be eaten?
Dogs will suffer from vomiting and loss of appetite after swallowing foreign bodies. Outbreaks of vomiting are caused by pyloric obstruction, gastric dilation, and irritation of the stomach by foreign bodies. When there is a foreign body in the stomach, the appetite of different cases varies greatly. Some sick dogs have normal appetites, while others are less fond of eating, and some are anorexic.
Once the owner discovers what the dog has eaten, it is best to take the dog to the pet hospital as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, veterinarians will carefully inquire about the medical history, but many owners often do not understand what their dogs have eaten. Dogs that generally swallow foreign bodies often do not notice any abnormalities when palpating the abdomen, but occasionally objects can be touched, such as a section of ribs in the stomach. Radiological examination may find masses or radiopaque objects in the stomach, but most of the time nothing special can be seen on the X-ray film. At this time, the veterinarian will suggest that the owner consider angiography (gastrointestinal barium meal angiography) or endoscopic examination.
If the foreign body can be eliminated as the dog vomits, then you don’t have to worry too much about other problems. However, most foreign bodies need to be removed endoscopically or surgically (laparotomy and gastrotomy). Both methods require the dog to be under general anesthesia, and the dog must be protected from dehydration and the plasma electrolyte concentration must be protected before operation. usually. Prolonged vomiting in dogs can cause dehydration, but hypovolemic shock rarely occurs unless gastric perforation occurs. Therefore, for the health of the dog, the owner must always pay attention to the dog's movements.

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